Thursday, October 11, 2012

Mommy Wars

Tonight I was wondering why all these "supportive" and "informative" mommy Fb pages or online forums constantly start the mommy wars. You know like what do you think if vaccinations? Who is better the working mom or SAHM oh and my personal favorite to circumsice or not?
I find it just disgusting we continue to bring these topics up. We all have an opinion and there is no right or wrong so it's pointless to play the "my way is better then your way" game.
Why can't we all just truly support each other? What happened to it takes a village? My theory is society has trained us moms to feel defensive at all times. We can't dare let someone say what we did is wrong, we can't be different from the norm my gosh if so we may not be a good mom. That's BS! You know what makes a good mom... happy kids! You don't have to do anything "right" but love your children. If you're doing the best you know how at the time that's all the counts. Instead of beating up others moms beliefs or opinion try simply saying hey you're doing a great job as a mother. Lets face it you're lying if you think you do it right all the time and its nice to hear a compliment.
So I challenge you to not partake in those nasty conversations and to help another mom feel good. Can you do it? I hope you can.

Peace love and light my friends

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